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Social Determinants of Health

Low Income and its impact on Childhood Obesity

Introduction Nearly 17% of children and adolescents in the United States are affected by obesity. Furthermore, 8.5% of children and adolescents globally are obese. (Zhang et al.) Lower-income children are disproportionately at risk for obesity (Chou et al.) According to research by Jin and Jones-Smith, lower-income children had much higher BMI scores than high-income children.…

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Food Insecurity and its Negative Impact on Cardiovascular Health

Around 38 million people in the United States experience Food Insecurity, which is the state of limited access to nutritionally adequate food. It has been shown that Food Insecurity (FI) is more prevalent in patients with cardiovascular diseases (CVD), with research indicating increased risk of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality through behavioral and biological pathways. CVD…

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